To start the reappointment process, each physician receives a unique web link and a Personal Identification Number to access the system with instructions from the Medical Affairs team outlining completion dates, local contact info etc.
For physician ease, their info is presented in prepopulated fields. Some data elements can be edited by the physician e.g. address, telephone, other fields cannot be changed by the physician to ensure data integrity e.g. CPSO number, department name. This reduces errors and associated query time.
The application can include specific items unique to each hospital e.g. Conflict of Interest declaration. Physicians can upload any required documents as part of their application.
MSA dues and other fees can also be collected during the reappointment process and these fees are set by your hospital. CMaRS uses PayPal to process payments and accepts most major credit cards. Users do not need to set up a PayPal account to make a payment
Cross Appointment
Physicians can apply for reappointment at more than one participating hospital in the same session. This saves them significant time and has been very well received by physicians. Physicians determine what data they choose to provide other hospitals for the purpose of cross appointment.

Department Chiefs
Chiefs can track progress by individual, department or total group sorted by status e.g. declined to seek reappointment, pending payment, awaiting chief approval etc. Chiefs can review staff entries, complete one click appraisals and make reappointment recommendations quickly and easily.

Medical Affairs
Managing MSA dues and other payments can be a source of frustration for both physicians and hospitals. CMaRS provides hospitals the ability to set fees for individual items such as MSA dues, PQII or any other fee. CMaRS uses PayPal to process payments and accepts most credit cards. Users do not need to set up a PayPal account to make a payment.
Links to Hospital e-learning modules
Reappointment provides hospitals an excellent opportunity to ensure compliance with completion of mandatory e-learning training. Hospitals can choose to have CMaRS confirm status of completion of e-learning tools and not allow reappointment to be completed until mandatory training is completed.

Getting started
The first step is getting your data loaded into the application. We provide a simple data transfer template and our support team works closely with you to make this process as easy as possible. Our experience based on working with multiple hospitals over many cycles has provided us a lot of learning and we can get you up and using the CMaRS system in weeks.